1. Contractor Liable for Injuries to Subcontractors Employee Who Fell Off Scaffolding Brown v Beach House Design & Development. In this case the usual exemption from liability did not apply [...]
1. Covid-19 Lawsuits Covid-19 lawsuits against insurance companies seeking insurance benefits under Business Income, Extra Expense, or Civil Authority provisions of policies so far have been [...]
1. Homeowner’s Insurance Does Not Generally Cover Tenants Who Are Injured on the Property In the case of Terrell v. State Farm (2019) 40 Cal.App.5th 497. Homeowners of a house in San Francisco [...]
Tree Law Trees with trunks standing entirely on the property of one owner belong exclusively to that owner even though the roots may grow into the adjoining owner’s property. See Civil Code [...]
If You Pay Extra Money For A View Is It Protectable? I have received many phone calls over the years from homeowners who want to sue their neighbors or the City or their HOA because they have [...]
Owner Not Liable To Window Washer For Injuries Sustained In Fall. In the case of Delgadillo vs. Television CTR. Inc., [2018] 20 Cal App. 5th 1078, the Court of Appeal determined that when a [...]
Premises Liability Expanded For Employees Drinking After Work. In the case of Kai-Yen Cheng vs. OTB Mission Valley Restaurant, et al., the San Diego Superior Court found a San Diego restaurant [...]